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Preventing Sunburn with Vitamin C

One of the best proofs of the power of vitamin C at high levels is using it in high internal doses, along with vitamin E, in lieu of sunscreen.

Here's how we protect ourselves from sunburn on the farm without the skin-cancer-causing sunscreen.

  • Drink ascorbic acid dissolved in water all day, staying just under bowel tolerance (make sure a bathroom is convenient in case you overdoo it).

  • Take 3 or 4 doses of vitamin E (we are using Solaray Dry E) every few hours through the day. Best to high dose E the day before sun exposure.

Here's the science that we extrapolated on when we tried this method for sunburn protection. It's easy to prove that it works.

Your BT for vitamin C will go way up when you are exposed to the sun, so make sure your intake is making your gut a little gassy or gurgly while you're in the sun (it can be "entertaining", but at least you're outdoors). This nutrient-based method of protecting your skin enhances your vitamin D production, whereas sunscreen inhibits vitamin D production. I also think that protecting the skin in this way helps thicken your skin. We need more thick-skinned humans in the Garden. #godsgardenscience

Note: If you do get sunburned, then the same method above will eliminate the pain of the sunburn, prevent blistering, and heal the burn much faster. It's best to use this to prevent the burn, but it also works dramatically on an existing sunburn if you get to it right away.

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Unknown member
Nov 27, 2023

I agree with everything said about the C6H806 molecule, however, it seems that the synthetic version of vitamin C is only great for high dosages when battling an acute infection. If you take high dosages daily, you may impair the utilization of copper, a mineral the mitochondria need for optimal function. But if you take whole-food vitamin C, it supports the integration of copper into the mitochondria. I feel both forms of vitamin C are needed, but is there a concern with high dosages of synthetic vitamin C causing copper deficiency?


Unknown member
Oct 23, 2023

As a health researcher, I studied all the high-dose vitamin C pioneers, most notably Linus Pauling, Frederick Klenner, Adam Hoffer, and Robert Cathcart. I read amazing papers and studies from these folks. They have all used high dosages of ascorbic acid with great success.

However, there are two types of vitamin C, one from whole foods and other type from synthetic ascorbic acid. Usually, when something is synthetic, you want to stay away from it since it is not in its natural form. Ascorbic acid is usually derived from GMO corn, a red flag for me. Back when these vitamin C pioneers were using high dosages of ascorbic acid, GMO vitamin C probably did not exist.

I am a…

Unknown member
Oct 28, 2023
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As you know, ascorbic acid is the molecule C6H8O6. Animals convert glucose to C6H8O6 continuously. Humans are missing the 4th enzyme in that mammalian reaction, and therefore don't synthesize it internally like other animals. How the molecule is synthesized externally prior to our ingesting it doesn't really matter. The molecule is far too simple to carry genetic information. Cheap, pure ascorbic acid is what humans need to prevent their normal state of sub-clinical scurvy. The amounts to take vary each day, as described by Cathcart and as shown by the variable amounts made by animals. Could be 10 g needed one day and 100g or 200g the next day.

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