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Collagen and Ascorbic Acid

Here are a few things I have heard or read about vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and collagen:

  • Collagen is the building block of our bodies and all mammal bodies.

  • Every molecule of collagen made in our body requires an electron which is donated by ascorbic acid.

  • Science has shown that, in the presence of high-dose vitamin C, collagen production increases eight fold without any dietary changes.

So vitamin C is pretty important for healing and growing new tissues (including a new human). Pregnant women have to make a lot of collagen, both for their body to be strong a flexible, and for the baby's body and brain. If the collagen quality is high, then every cell in the baby's body has a thicker wall. Women who have vitamin C babies can attest to their health and robust character at birth.

But are there other ways we can prove that the above bullet points are real? How about this...

Two Ankles and a Pony

When I was first starting on my high-dose C journey, I wasn't a farmer, but a technology guy that sat for hours. I had to make an effort to exercise now and then. We had a couple horses (that doesn't make you a farmer) and a pony at the time. Ponies don't eat much (not like horses) and tend to get fat (like people) when they don't get enough exercise. So the pony became my jogging partner to keep her in good shape. We would go for runs in the forest near our house outside of Corvallis Oregon. It was me, the dog, and the pony. Other joggers were a little shocked at the "dog and pony show" when we went running by. But hay, what can I say.

One time, the pony and I jumped a small trench. Sometimes horses/ponies hesitate a bit before making such a jump, so it may have been that hesitation that made it a slightly awkward leap and landing for both of us. My right foot violated OSHA's "safety-first" rules and placed itself under one of her hooves. Her hoof scraped the inside of my right ankle, and though it didn't break the skin, it ended up raising a nasty 8" x 3" bruise right above the ankle bone.

That was a decade ago. Shortly after it healed, I noticed that my left ankle, the one that wasn't injured, still looked like it was the ankle of a mid-fifties guy, whereas the one that had been bruised looked like a 20-year old ankle. Ten years later, and not much has changed.

Here's a picture of my right (20-year-old) ankle.

Here's a picture of my left (mid-fifties-guy) ankle.

The visible blood vessels did not return after healing on the right ankle. I'm sure I was dosing vitamin C at around 25-50 grams a day during the healing process. The skin quality was, and still is, higher on my right ankle than the skin on my left ankle. I didn't understand high dose vitamin C until I was over 50, so between 0 and 50, those blood vessels had crept to the surface. I think they call that "aging."

I took the above photos about a week ago in the morning before I put on my boots to go check cows. So the difference is still evident, and I believe that it's tangible proof of the importance of vitamin C to collagen formation and quality. Human babies benefit at the cellular level when the parents make a vitamin C baby and then supplement the growing baby and child daily with high doses of ascorbic acid. The implications of high-quality collage ripple through every aspect of their being, protecting them from toxins, optimizing their development, optimizing their strength and flexibility, and revealing their full, God-given potential.

But why wasn't the skin on my right ankle also shored-up in the decade of high dosing vitamin C? Believe it or not, there is science to explain this dealing with wound healing. In the presence of high dose vitamin C, there are some experiments that show that wounds knit together with much higher quality collagen. However, scars that formed when deficient in vitamin C had poorer quality collagen, and the body didn't go back to fix that.

Kind of like a house. If you build it poorly, it takes a huge effort to correct it later. Apparently, the body doesn't readily do remodeling, but it does repair demolished areas, building those remodeled areas with high-quality collagen. This means that when a human child is growing, when their lifelong collagen is forming, it's best for their bodies to run levels of vitamin C that are comparable to the levels in mammals that make vitamin C.

Klenner recommended 100mg per month of age per day for a baby from birth to 1 year. He recommended a gram per year of age per day after that.

I believe that babies and children can take much more than that and utilize every molecule to their benefit.

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