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Vitamin C Honey Spoons!

Updated: Jun 3

Here's the original story that describes the creation and use of honey spoons for suppressing viral symptoms in hours: For the kids and grandkids on the farm, we suppress the symptoms of viral and bacterial infections using honey spoons:

  • Mix equal parts pure vitamin c powder (AA, ascorbic acid) and Manuka honey (or any raw honey) to make a paste.

  • Coat a spoon with the paste.

  • Give it to them like a lollipop.

  • Give them one every 30 minutes until they stop coughing and their symptoms subside. Usually takes 2-4 honey spoons.

  • Repeat when the symptoms come back.

Manuka is best if a bacterial infection, like strep, is suspected. Any raw honey works otherwise, as it's the vitamin C that suppresses the symptoms when you hit the magic dose."

The trick for kids is to get the vitamin C dose high enough to make the symptoms go away. When you use honey spoons regularly, kids tend to start requesting them when they feel sick.

I wrote this recipe originally after an experience when we had a 3 year old, 5 year old, and 7 year old all battling a nasty flu at the farm. I was being interrupted too often making honey spoons for the little hackers. (I'm the grandad working the farm, but had been left "in charge" of kids for a while).

Finally, I just took a couple tablespoons of vitamin c crystals, mixed it with the same amount of Manuka Honey, and put it in their playroom so they could make their own honey spoons and stop asking me to make the spoons for them. It worked like a charm, and they stopped hacking. They seem to self-regulate on how much they take.

We like the ascorbic acid, fine powder, from Also download a copy of my children's book Buttercup, Me, and Vitamin C. If you read it to them often, you can teach your children how to shut down any virus using high-dose vitamin C.

Honey to Babies?

Raw honey is a fine food for babies that are eating solid foods. The infant botulism myth is a worn out, highly-publicized story by now. Most likely, these were a couple cases of babies with pharma damage to the gut that perhaps ate pasteurized honey that had been sitting open on the counter of a dusty house (botulism spores are ubiquitous in house dust). Botulism spores simply cannot sprout in an aerobic gut environment rich in ascorbate.

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Unknown member
May 21, 2021

Lemonade tends to erode teeth if you drink it often, as do soft drinks. There is a wide range of pH levels in different places around the body. If your particular system tends towards alkaline then perhaps an additional source of acid is warranted. We're all different.

Linus Pauling suggested mixing AA with baking soda. 2 to 1. It also makes it taste better. I've been taking my multi-gram doses of AA with baking soda for a few years now, and swishing each mouthful around the teeth before swallowing. It works wonderfully. Definitely firms up the gums.

Various smart doctors I've encountered suggest against mega-dosing because it may tend to make your system overly acidic. Adding baking soda alleviates tha…


Unknown member
Dec 14, 2020

I agree there are many reports of AA reducing or eliminating tooth decay. But none of those reports seem to be suggesting topical use.

The closest I've found so far in a relatively quick search is research showing that kids taking vitamin C chewables having substantial tooth erosion after extended usage.

Nothing yet about other forms of C.

Unknown member
May 21, 2021
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I suspect the problem with chewable C is not in the C.


Unknown member
Dec 14, 2020

That's exactly why I started brushing my teeth with AA powder. Many experts, Cathcart included, spread concern about AA eroding enamel and it makes sense in basic chemistry. So it's definitely an easy notion to accept without question. At one point, I decided to run a personal experiment, because the science about AA and teeth/gums doesn't indicate that it erodes enamel. On the contrary, the science shows that high-dosing vitamin C eliminates tooth decay, and all I've experienced is benefits to the teeth.

Unknown member
May 21, 2021
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Thank you Theo. I have been running a similar experiment. After several months of of about 1g Ascorbic Acid and 0.5g Niacin in my drinking water I see no adverse effect on my tooth enamel. Previously the reported concern led me to add baking soda to my water to buffer the C, but I noticed swelling in my ankles from so much Sodium.


Unknown member
Dec 13, 2020

Thanks for the heads up. I've been using SA for my mouth for years, because of many reports that AA erodes teeth. I agree they both do wonders for your gums.

But so many experts seem to caution against long exposure and suggest swishing with water afterwards. I've never before heard the suggestion that AA doesn't erode teeth.

I vaguely recall even Dr. Levy suggesting swishing with water afterward.

Time to do more research ...


Unknown member
Dec 13, 2020

DNA is also acidic. Biological acids don't necessarily do what you expect in the body, so AA does not erode teeth, it fuels healthy teeth and gums. That's what the science says and that's what my experience is. My entire oral health program is brushing once a day, dipping my toothbrush in AA powder.

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