Custom-Cut Half Hog; ~95-100lb Premium Pork
This is the best pork you will ever taste!
Our hogs are from Berkshire sows that are bred to our 1/2 Mangalitsa and 1/2 Red Wattle boar. Our hogs are untainted, unmedicated, and unvaccinated. They are robust and vibrantly healthy foraging on our land, and eating non-gmo, corn-free, soy-free, custom milled grains that are fermented in our raw jersey milk.
We custom-cut to your instructions, then brine and cure your hams and bacon using Himalayan salt and organic fresh-ground spices. We do not use nitrates or nitrites in our curing process. Then, we cold-smoke your hams and bacon over unsprayed apple wood cut right here on the farm.
Right now, you can reserve your half for our upcoming harvests beginning January and then another batch is coming up in Spring. We standardize our half hogs to around 95-100lb of pork cuts (chops, roasts, ribs), bacon, hams, sausage, bones, and organs. A custom-cut hog harvest experience on the farm is included.
The full price for a custom half hog is 105.96 MoolaCoin when paid in advance. This option saves you 4 MoolaCoin. We can ship or deliver your entire side as soon as it is ready. You can also store your meat on the farm and take delivery in portions monthly to your drop point for an extra 1 MoolaCoin a month to cover the storage and handling costs.
The monthly payment plan is 110 MoolaCoin. A payment of 9.16 MoolaCoin reserves your hog in your farm share for delivery by the end of your farm share year. Each month until harvest, 9.16 MoolaCoin will be deducted from your MoolaCount and the balance is due at harvest.
We can ship or deliver your entire side as soon as it is ready. You can also store your meat on the farm and take delivery in portions monthly to your drop point for an extra 1 MoolaCoin a month to cover the storage and handling costs.
Read about our custom hog harvest experience under the FAQ menu on our website.
If you want the whole hog, order two half hogs.
Soy-free Berkshire, Mangalitza, Red-Wattle Hogs
We are very excited about the outcome of crossing our 1/2 Mangalitza and 1/2 Red Wattle Boar with our pure Berkshire sows. The quality of the pork is exceptional, with a deep red color, the meat-to-fat ratio is amazing with generous fat, and the marbling within the meat is beautiful. We feed them soy-free, non-gmo feed that is soaked in fermented raw milk.
We do not offer refunds on custom-cut orders.
We maintain a blog entry on this website that describes our delivery drop points and schedule. Let us know which drop point you prefer. We will provide more details when we email you your farm share invoice.